Monday, April 20, 2009

I am hooked!

Way back when, before I had kids, I was an avid reader, I would pick up a book on a Friday and spend the weekend curled up on the couch reading the weekend away, mush to my husbands shock! He has never been much of a reader, never really reading an entire book all the way through High School, he just relied on his ability to flirt his way through tests and such. I on the other hand, have always loved to read! I can remember reading the Flowers in The Attic series over and over with my circle of friends in junior high and then my mom and I reading the Clan of the Cavebear series together, discussing our theories in detail. I read Alas, Babalyon in one weekend when I was a Sophomore or Junior, I loved A Tree Grows in Brooklyn too. Reading was my escape, my sanctuary if you will, to a sometime nightmarish step father who yelled and threatened, and hurt my mom. Reading was bliss. *sigh*

Fast forward to my having children. My reading consisted of Dr Suesss and Junie B Jones for years! Oh sure, I would get through an occassional quick read here and there, but hadn't been really consumed by anything in a very long time! Even though my girls read on their own now (even if I have to poke and prod Jordan to do it!) my day is still consumed with running them around and just "doing" for them, you know? Most of Sydneys friends had already read the twilight series, she wanted to read them, but I think she was afraid to read them as well, she was afraid they would be too scary (she is like me and hates scary stuff!). She ended up seeing the movie and them decided to finally read the books. She finished Twilight on Thursday or Friday and we went to Target to pick up New Moon, which she is about 1/4 of the way through already. On Saturday I picked up 11 at night mind you, and I was sucked in from the first page! Syd went to the movies with some friends yesterday and I took Jordan and Brooklyn to McD's for lunch, ok, honestly I took them there so they could play in the play land and I could read! We came home and I put dinner on, John had to work last night, and I started reading again around 5.....I was up until 3 am this morning! I finished the whole book in a bit over 24 hours! I am telling you, I now understand all the hype! It was EXCELLENT!!! I will be buying my own copy of New Moon this afternoon and surpassing Sydney by later this week, I want to read Eclipse before she does...Edward and Bella get their groove on in the 3rd book and although I won't ban Syd from reading the book, I do want to read it first.

I have to say, it feels so good to get lost in a good book! Stephanie Meyers has a gift in writing, I honestly felt like I could feel Edwards cold touch...I felt like I was 15 again! Hooked, hooked, hooked!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

A good week

It has been a good week around the Wells house! I don't want to jinx it though!!! John got all is over time in on his days off, he is tired, but I know him and he won't turn it down, so I just try to make it cozy here at home for when he gets home and then lots of back rubs and smooches. I found out on Tuesday that I got the job at the day care, so that was great news. The girls are enjoying being back in school and being back with their friends. It has been a very blessed week for sure!

I even made it to the gym 4 out of the 5 days! Yay me! I won't let myself quit or get off the evil machine either (the elliptical) that thing is out to get me I tell you! Actually the first 6 or 7 minutes are the hardest, then I am in a rythym and try to watch the tv that they have on at the gym, it makes the time go by much faster! I really do feel stronger, just wish I was losing more weight. My clothes are fitting better, they aren't stretched to within a cm of thier life anymore, but when I get on the scale I'm not seeing a lot of weight strange! Not sure what is going on, but I know I'm working out hard...all the sweat dripping off my face is a good indicator of that! I will have to do some reseach to see why I'm not dropping pounds.

We have had some wacky weather this past week! We went from cold and raining to dry and super windy and now it is supposed to hit 90 by Sunday! No wonder I have a headache all the time! The other day I was sitting on the couch and watching the pollen in the air literally swirl around in the air, it was insane! I am so not ready for the upcoming heat! It was around 74 today...perfect! But I know that the 95's and up are headed our way sooner rather than!!!

I planted a few plants in containers this year. I did tomatoes, bell peppers and strawberries. I am so excited to get some tomatoes! I love a fresh tomato! I think I may do some cucumbers too maybe this weekend I will grab a plant or two and add it to my little garden.

I think that is about our week in a nutshell. We are going house hunting tomorrow. I am sooo tempted to let John do all the looking and then narrow it down to 3 or 4! I hate this process! It is just headache inducing! Oh well, I guess I will be a trooper and go with him. :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

such a relief!

I called the woman I had my interview with last week, today to touch bases with her. And guess what?! She offered me the job! YAY!!! It is just $10 an hour, but that will pay for groceries and help pay for the girls activites! I feel so much better, like a huge boulder has been lifted from my shoulders! Funny thing is, in church on Sunday our Pastor was literally talking about how Jesus will lift our burdens....and He has in a big way! I am so thankful! I will be getting up with the chickens, but it's just a 4.5 hour job, and then I can still keep the 2 hour job at the school. One of the best things is that I will still be able to pick the girls up from school and take them to their various activities without having to pawn them off onto a friend. So, I get to help John bring more money into our family and still be a happy! I will not start for at least another week, lots of paperwork and orientation type stuff, but that is ok, just knowing that I do have a job! :)

Now I have to make a schedule and enlist the girls help. Things are going to have to change around here for sure! I will post my new schedule once I figure it out!

*sigh* such a good feeling to know that I have one less thing to stress over in this day and age!

Monday, April 6, 2009

crazy days!

John is convinced that they overlooked him at work today. The big wig Union guy is in town, so that means that someone is messing up....BIG TIME! John is a Teamster and so the guy in town is pretty high up, and in Jimmy Hoffa, Jrs inner circle (sounds all gangsta, huh?LOL) and they aren't happy that the management here is messing the Sr. guys out of their hours, etc. So, John thinks it will be fixed within the week...phew! They ended up calling him in early for the midnight shift, he will have to be paid for today too, since he knows that Jr guys to him worked and he didn't. It is just a big mess! Hopefully things will calm down soon, otherwise I think I may end up having a stroke!!! ;)

I went in today for an interview at the day care, I think it went well and I'm really hoping we can work out the hours thing. Prayers are welcome!

After I dropped the girls off at school I headed to the gym, I was so stressed out last week I only went once, funny that I know that excersize is good for you if you are stressed, but I could barely put one foot in front of the other let alone get into the gym! I felt really good after getting off the treadmill today though! I'm planning on going again in the morning, and making it my routine for now.

The girls had a good day at school, they were all so happy to be back. They are so funny, and I love how they love school! Brooklyn asked me tonight if she could stay after school every Thursday and practice for an end of the year show doing some kind of cultural dancing. Sure, why not, she was so happy! Sydney has decided to work much harder this trimester and get her grades back to where they should be, she said she was dissapointed in herself and her grades last trimester. I'm pretty impressed with her determination! Jordan is working on her 4th grade mission project, she is doing a great job! We bought a kit and she has been doing it all by herself and it is looking pretty good!

That's about it for now, I'm sure I will be having another crazy week! Putting it in God's hands, or at least trying to!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

A new week

The past week was such a whirlwind of ups and downs and I'm glad to have a start to a new one. We looked at houses ALL day yesterday...what a pain that is! I am almost tempted to have John just do it and let me know when he has it narrowed down to 3 or 4 and then I can help at that point! But I know if I do that I will end up in who knows where!LOL! The prices are ok, but then again, so many people seem to be looking...and these darn investors are like cockroaches...they are everywhere! Sheesh! I am soooo trying to leave it in Gods hands, I know "our" house will show up and we will be happy, it's just the in between part I don't like!

On the plus side...John got called in for over time tonight! I think both of us let out a sigh of relief when the call came in! He will start the week off with at least 8 hours of OT, something he hasn't had in over a month! YAY!!

The girls go back to school in the morning, meaning I have to get up before 9...waaaa! It also means I am back to work too, which is good. :) I'm still waiting to hear from that day care for an interview...fingers crossed and lots of prayers on that one! Again, leaving (or at least trying to) it in Gods hands!

Jordan had a soccer game today, I will be happy when they are playing girls their own age, it is amazing what a difference one or two years makes! Our girls are going to be really good, I just don't think they realize it playing the older girls. The second half looked much better than the first half, and Jordan is learning so much! Fall will be fun for them, I think!

Well, I'm off to bed, gotta get up early! UGH!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I know I have been so bad at keeping up with this! Sorry Angie!!! ;)

I am so stressed out and I am making myself sick, my stomach hurts, I'm giving myself a headache, my shoulders are in a knot. The good news is that John still has a job, however, the paycut and lack of overtime has really taken a toll on his checks! If it keeps up like this I'm not sure how we will make it through the month of April! I've applied for an early morning job at a day care so I can still work at the girls school, but the waiting is killing me! I know I need to leave it up to God, and I am trying so hard to do that, but boy is it hard! John seems to think it will get better, I just hope it gets better before we drown! Pity party over here! :(