Sunday, April 5, 2009

A new week

The past week was such a whirlwind of ups and downs and I'm glad to have a start to a new one. We looked at houses ALL day yesterday...what a pain that is! I am almost tempted to have John just do it and let me know when he has it narrowed down to 3 or 4 and then I can help at that point! But I know if I do that I will end up in who knows where!LOL! The prices are ok, but then again, so many people seem to be looking...and these darn investors are like cockroaches...they are everywhere! Sheesh! I am soooo trying to leave it in Gods hands, I know "our" house will show up and we will be happy, it's just the in between part I don't like!

On the plus side...John got called in for over time tonight! I think both of us let out a sigh of relief when the call came in! He will start the week off with at least 8 hours of OT, something he hasn't had in over a month! YAY!!

The girls go back to school in the morning, meaning I have to get up before 9...waaaa! It also means I am back to work too, which is good. :) I'm still waiting to hear from that day care for an interview...fingers crossed and lots of prayers on that one! Again, leaving (or at least trying to) it in Gods hands!

Jordan had a soccer game today, I will be happy when they are playing girls their own age, it is amazing what a difference one or two years makes! Our girls are going to be really good, I just don't think they realize it playing the older girls. The second half looked much better than the first half, and Jordan is learning so much! Fall will be fun for them, I think!

Well, I'm off to bed, gotta get up early! UGH!


Coolwhip said...

Glad to hear that John's picking up some OT this week. I still think you need to look at the budget a little more and come up with a way to cut back on the discretionary spending. fingers are crossed that you guys will find a house soon!! Keep us posted! :o)

Shawn said...

well, it started out on a good note anyway. They haven't called him in yet and it's 5:30 here! They got rid of his shift last week and they are all re bidding next week, and he thinks they are just screwing up and forgetting to call him, which if that is the case and they have anyone under him on the senroity list they will have to pay him for whatever the other guy worked, so he is hoping that is the case! Me too! I went for that interview today and keeping my fingers crossed on that one! I hear you Angie about the budget thing, the only thing is the activities they are in will be over in July and we are kind of locked into it for now, you know? We will for sure be reworking things soon though! Life!! I tell ya!