Monday, December 1, 2008

and it's begun...

How on earth is is already December 1?! Unbelievable!!! Where did this year go? *sigh* They just fly by the older I get!

We got back into town on Saturday night after a great week of visiting with my mom and brother. I think I touched a computer one time...that's it! WOW! John and I took the kids to the Mendocino coast and as luck would have it, it was low tide! So the kids got to see all the sea life that is usually covered up in the was very cool! The weather on the coast was gorgeous! We didn't even need a sweatshirt! the weather at my moms was nice too, just one day of a bit of drizzle, but we loved that anyway! The nights were cool, but not freezing like it was last year. I got to see a few friends I haven't seen in years as well. My brother and SIL took the girls on a hike in the woods and they had a ball! Thursday was spent just hanging out, eating and playing board games (connect four will be on all of our Santa wish lists this year!). When we left on Saturday we stopped in San Francisco and John took the girls out onto the Golden Gate Bridge...the view was awesome! We got to see Alcatraz and we drove through the city, and down Lombard Street, that was very cool! We made pretty good time and the cat was so happy to see us!!! He freaked out when he thought we were going to walk out the door, but seems to be ok now..poor guy!

This is our last day of vacation before going back to school..but only for 3 weeks! YAY! I haven't gotten a bit of shopping done...plan on starting this weekend. Although we won't be going all out like we have in years past we will be focusing more on spending time together as a family. John has from Christmas Eve to January 5 (I think) off, so we will plan on doing some stuff as a family.

I guess I should sign off now, my MIL is coming over in 20 minutes to pick up the girls for an afternoon out and I haven't picked anything up in the living room...oh well! Have a great evening!

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